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Marcelo Peroni: Dialogue, inclusion, and strategic planning in Jundiaí’s Cultural Scene

As the new Director of Culture under Mayor Luiz Fernando Machado’s (PSDB) administration, Marcelo Peroni takes on the challenge of bringing his extensive theater experience into the public sector. With 27 years of experience as a producer, director, and actor, Peroni seeks to establish a cultural management approach rooted in dialogue, inclusion, and strategic planning. "Our goal…

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Europe faces droughts, floods and storms as climate change accelerates

Europe and northern hemisphere are warming at faster pace than the global average and ‘multiple climatic hazards’ are expected, says study Europe’s Atlantic-facing countries will suffer heavier rainfalls, greater flood risk, more severe storm damage and an increase in “multiple climatic hazards”, according to the most comprehensive study of Europe’s vulnerability to climate change yet. Temperatures in…

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Guia ensina a montar e regularizar provedor comunitário de internet

Elaborado pela organização não-governamental de direitos humanos ARTIGO 19 em parceria com o Instituto Bem Estar Brasil e a Anid (Associação Nacional de Inclusão Digital), o guia “Como Montar e Regularizar um Provedor Comunitário” apresenta um passo a passo detalhado sobre como criar um provedor comunitário de internet. Baixe aqui o guia Construídos de forma aberta e…

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