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“Folia dos Bichos” brings dance and Carnival to Sala Glória Rocha

This Saturday (February 1st) at 4 PM, Cia. Jovem de Dança de Jundiaí will present the show “Folia dos Bichos” at Sala Glória Rocha, located in the Centro das Artes Prefeito Pedro Fávaro.

With choreography by Andressa Rondon and artistic direction by Alex Soares, the performance blends the music of “Carnival of the Animals” by French composer Camille Saint-Saëns with the energy and vibrancy of Brazilian Carnival.

Divided into three acts, the show offers a playful take on diversity and growth. Saint-Saëns’ composition, which musically portrays different animals, serves as a foundation for reflections on identity, friendship, and acceptance.

With colorful costumes and vibrant sets, the performance explores animal characteristics and their connection to children’s discoveries about the world.

Sala Glória Rocha is located at Rua Barão de Jundiaí, 1093, in the city center. Admission is free.

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